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What if there was just one thing you could do that would exponentially impact your profitability, goals and life?


There is.

Be astonishing. 

Many would say I've had more hardship than most. I discovered that by standing out for all the right reasons I not only overcome every obstacle, but defied all odds when I competed at Miss America. A decade later I started the Badges movement to empower children with scars. My goal: inspire the masses.


My story continues to fascinate and today I share it to encourage others to harness their power using my 3 keys to be astonishing. You don’t need to merely dream of making a significant difference...this is your chance to:  inspire your team, influence your organization, and impact your industry. This inevitably happens when you learn to connect authentically, achieve your highest aspirations and bring the world one step closer to what you want it to be by being astonishing.

The world needs your impact.


Elizabeth's story is the most fascinating story I've ever heard. Her perspective, positivity and ability to inspire is unlike anyone.

What audiences say...

Susan Yara / For All Moms Podcast Co-Host

It’s hard to put into words the impact she's had on so many, myself included. What stands out is her transparency and humility. Her willingness to step into those dark places that inspire growth and courage, then to freely share that with her community is truly a gift. We're honored to have the privilege to share her gift.

 Paul Vautrinot / Beneath the Neon Podcast Host

Elizabeth can hold any audience in the palm of her hand and

leave in everyone's heart. The world is better with her message.

Jennifer Lier / National Keynote Speakers / President

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